Airport Welcome Desk 2016

The EduNova Airport Welcome (APW) Booth wrapped up on September 2, 2016 after a week-long welcome for hundreds of international students—many arriving for their first time in Nova Scotia. EduNova is proud to report the success of this project as a collaborative model engaging eight universities and NSCC. Member institutions worked with EduNova to create a warm and welcoming environment for international and out-of-province students.

Close to 500 international students and hundreds of additional out-of-province and returning students arrived at the booth. Of these, approximately 480 were new international students. We also received many visits and inquiries from the general public.

The top 10 nationalities of students visiting the Welcome Booth were (in alphabetical order): Bahamas, Bermuda, China, France, Germany, India, Japan, Korea, Uganda, and the UK.