Celebrating the graduation of the 2017 – 2018 Stay in Nova Scotia cohort with MP Andy Fillmore, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Democratic Institutions and Member of Parliament for Halifax, and Deputy Minister Tracey Taweel, Deputy Minister of Communities, Culture and Heritage; CEO of Immigration, Nova Scotia Office of Immigration, was itself a highlight for EduNova and its members. Announcing the continuation of this successful program for another year at the event held on July 5th was a crowning achievement.
“We are delighted to announce, working with federal and provincial partners, that we will be continuing this program for another year,” said Wendy Luther, President and CEO of EduNova to an audience of influencers from across Nova Scotia, including the President and CEO of ISANS, Jennifer Watts, the Senior Assistant Vice‑Provost, Student Affairs from Dalhousie University, Anne Forrestall and a number of other notable academic and government leaders.
“The Government of Canada knows that science, curiosity, and innovation spur economic growth, so we are proud to support EduNova’s Stay in Nova Scotia program,” said Andy Fillmore, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Democratic Institutions and Member of Parliament for Halifax, on behalf of the Honourable Navdeep Bains, Minister of Innovation, Science and Economic Development and Minister responsible for the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA). “Nearly 60 graduates so far have chosen to remain in our province. They have studied in fields including health care, engineering, business and finance, technology and ocean sciences, tourism and hospitality, and will contribute immensely to our cultural and economic wealth. We are delighted to help a third group of talented international students participate in this unique program.”
Welcoming international students and assisting them in staying in Nova Scotia post-graduation is an important endeavour, as they have the potential to play a significant role in the province’s economic and social landscape. The Stay in Nova Scotia program provides support to cohorts of final-year international students from countries studying at post-secondary institutions across Nova Scotia to help them to live, work and build meaningful professional connections here. The goal of the program is to retain 80% of the cohort in our province one-year post-graduation.
“EduNova’s Stay in Nova Scotia program has had incredible success, and we’re excited to support another cohort of talented international students this Fall,” said Labour and Advanced Education Minister Labi Kousoulis. “We want more young people to call Nova Scotia home after they graduate, building their careers and lives here, and Stay in Nova Scotia is helping us achieve that.”
To date, two cohorts have participated in the program. The first ran from fall 2016 to summer 2017. Thirty-six of the first cohort are working full-time and 83% have remained in Nova Scotia. From the second cohort, 47 have recently graduated from the program and 22 have found full time employment within a month of graduating from their studies.
“My experience with the Stay in Nova Scotia program has made me realize that we have a very powerful and supportive community in Nova Scotia; [one which] supports career development for international students,” said Rutian Nong, a BCom student from Saint Mary’s University and Stay in Nova Scotia program graduate. “It makes me feel like home while away from home. All of this encourages me to explore my own career here, and to offer help for more international students who want to stay.”
The third cohort will be launched in September 2018 and demand is expected to be high.
The impact of the program is magnified through participants encouraging their peers in their home countries to study in Nova Scotia, and encouraging their peers already here to access the support available to all students on their campuses and in their communities.