EduNova welcomes new president and CEO

We would like to give a very warm welcome to Shawna Garrett, who is joining EduNova as president and CEO on September 27, 2021.

Originally from the Maritimes, Garrett has held registrarial and enrolment management positions at Acadia University, NSCAD University, College of the North Atlantic – Qatar and Mount Allison University. She has also worked as a superintendent, principal and dean at international schools in Japan and China. Her wide-ranging experiences in student recruitment, retention and affairs are ideal for leading EduNova into its next phase.

“I am excited to have the opportunity to champion Nova Scotia as a leader in the international student experience while advancing social and economic growth in the province,” Garrett says about her new role.

“EduNova has made a positive impact in Nova Scotia, across the country and around the world. I look forward to continuing to implement innovative student recruitment and retention initiatives. I hope to help grow EduNova’s legacy and move the organization boldly forward in the years to come.”

Thank you to Katie Orr, international director at Nova Scotia Community College, who has served as interim president and CEO since March. Orr will return to her role as chair of the operations committee for EduNova. We appreciate the incredible contributions she has made in both roles, as well as her continued dedication to EduNova.